GeaVR Software – The Immersive Virtual Reality for research, teaching and communication in geological sciences
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Real world–based immersive Virtual Reality for research, teaching and communication in volcanology
Direct outcrop observation and field data collection are key techniques in research, teaching and outreach activities in volcanic areas. However, very often outcrops are of difficult or impossible access, such as in areas with active volcanoes or steep cliffs....
Workflows for Virtual Reality Visualisation and Navigation Scenarios in Earth Sciences
This paper presents generic guidelines for constructing customised workflows exploiting game engine technologies aimed at allowing scientists to navigate and interact with their own virtual environments. We have deployed Unity which is a cross-platform game engine...
Immersive Virtual Reality for Earth Sciences
This paper presents a novel immersive Virtual Reality platform, named ARGO3D, tailored for improving research and teaching activities in Earth Sciences. The platform facilitates the exploration of geological environments and the assessment of geo-hazards, allowing...